Friday 13 January 2012


Eubacteria Kingdom

Cell Type: Unicellular and prokaryotic.

Cell Structure:  They have rigid cell walls that can be dangerous to humans

DNA/RNA: unique to the eubacteria kingdom

Mode of Movement: Many bacteria propel themselves by using flagella. Some use a creeping or gliding motion, and others are not mobile at all

Reproduction: Most reproduce by binary fission

Habitat: Almost everywhere

How They Gain Nutrition and Energy: Heterotrophic, autotrophic and chemotrophic. Either produce energy by converting inorganic matter into organic matter (decomposition), obtain energy by photosynthesis, or feed off non-living organisms and recycle nutirents back into the earth 

Thursday 12 January 2012


Archaebacteria Kingdom

Cell type: Unicellular, eukaryotic.

Cell structure: A phospholipid membrane, as well as an outer cell wall. Flagella tail.

DNA Characteristics: Unique to the Archaebacteria kingdom.

Mode of movement: Flagella movement propels the bacteria.

Reproduction: Reproduce asexually by binary fission, fragmentation or budding.

Habitat: Environments of extreme heat or saline, and no oxygen such as areas of volcanic activity

Nutrition and energy:Some use inorganic compounds such as sulfur and ammonia. These create large amounts of methane. Others use sunlight as their energy source. These are called phototrophs.

Interesting Facts: Methanogentic Achaea are used in sewage treatment since they carry out anaerobic digestion and produce biogas.


Fungi Kingdom

Cell type: Eukaryotic

Cell structure: Walls are made of made of the carbohydrate chitin. Stores the carbohydrate glycogen for energy. Multicellular fungi are composed of filaments called hyphae

DNA/RNA structure: Unique to the fungi kingdom.

Mode of movement: Immobile

Reproduction: All can reproduce asexually and sexually: sexually- Zygote is a diploid cell. When zygotes fuse, the nuclei don’t fuse, but coexist (dikaryotic stage) until the right conditions are present. When diploid cells fuse they immediately undergo meiosis to become haploid. Asexually- spore formation

Habitat: Live everywhere – in the air, in water, on land, in soil, in and on plants and animals.

Nutrition/Energy: Heterotrophs using absorption:
-Saprophytic fungi secrete enzymes to break down organic material making nutrients available (mushrooms)
-Parasites get nutrients from living host (athlete’s foot)

Interesting Facts: Mycologists- scientists that specialize in fungi
       More related to animal than plant kingdom


Animalia Kingdom

Cell type: multicellular, eukaryotic

Cell structure: Cell membrane, distinct nucleus, many organelles suspended in cytoplasm

DNA characteristics: Unique to the Animal Kingdom

Mode of movement: Specific to species. Includes walking on limbs, swimming, and some are immobile.

Reproduction: Almost all animals use sexual reproduction, however many are capable of asexual reproduction through parthenogenesis

Habitat: All oxygenated environments, land and aquatic.

Nutrition and energy: All are heterotrophs. They are subdivided into groups based on what they eat. Carnivores eat meat, herbivores eat plants, omnivores eat both meat and plants.

Interesting facts: The word animal comes from the Latin word animalismeaning “having breath``


Protist Kingdom

Cell Type: Protists are eukaryotic. Most have one cell, but some have many cells, such as algae. Some are heterotrophic and some are autotrophic

Cell Structure: Cells have a membrane around the nucleus

DNA and RNA characteristics: They keep their DNA inside the nucleus and is unique to the protist kingdom.

Mode of movement: Most of the organisms in the Protista kingdom move by either flagella or cilia, but some move because of the change in pressure in their cells.

Reproduction: Most types of Protista reproduce asexually, but there are some types sexually, such as types of algae. Although most of them reproduce by binary division.

Habitat: Most Protista can be found in ponds, wet patches of moss and moist soil, but there is the potential that they can be found in any moist place.

How they gain nutrition or energy: Fungus like protists absorb food from their surroundings, plant like protists and photosynthetic and animal like protists ingest food particles

Interesting facts: The organisms in the Protista kingdom don’t share many similar characteristics. Lots of them are just in this kingdom because they don’t fit into any other kingdom properly


Plantae Kingdom

Cell Type: Eukaryotic

Cell Structure: Strong cell walls containing cellulose

Dna/Rna: Unique to the Plantae kingdom

Mode of Movement: No movement

Reproduction: Sexual and Asexual

Habitat: Land and/or water

Food/Nutrition:  Photosynthesis (converts energy from sunlight into carbohydrates and are stored)

Phyla/Division(s):Non-seed Plants

·        Hepaticophyta, Anthocerophyta, Bryophyta, Psilophyta, Lycophyta, Arthrophyta, Pterophyta

                Seed Plants

·        Cycadophyta, Gnetophyta, Ginkophyta, Coniferophyta, Anthophyta

Interesting Facts:  Plants provide the oxygen that we as humans and animals need to survive

·        Plants were on Earth before any other organism and there are currently about 260 000 different species

·        The first land plants appeared approximately 450 million years ago